Get Involved
Whether it's becoming a member or donating a monetary gift, help us raise awareness and create opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Join the Arc
Join The Arc of Mercer County and become part of a movement that has celebrated the abilities of people with disabilities for over 60 years. Your membership will strengthen our existing network of committed members who work to make a difference in the lives of those with disabilities.
The Arc of Mercer County is your local chapter of The Arc of Pennsylvania and The Arc of the United States.
Membership in The Arc’s national and state chapters
Quarterly printed newsletters
Power to nominate and vote for chapter Board members and bylaw amendments
Invitations to our quarterly membership meetings and annual dinners
Regular information about organization events and activities
Alerts for national, state and local advocacy issues
News & Events
The Arc of Mercer County is a dynamic organization active in the community. Through regular membership meetings, programming, fundraisers and recreational activities, we keep our members and citizens informed about issues affecting people with disabilities, while also having fun!
MCAR’s Autism Social Group is a social group where individuals can connect with others, build friendships and share interests. Teens (age 15 or older) and young adults with high functioning autism and Asperger’s syndrome meet every month at MCAR to socialize, battle one another in Wii games, work on computers, watch movies, compare trading cards and just be themselves. Individuals are encouraged to bring activities that interest them or that they want to share with others.
Autism Social Group
Second Wednesday of every month at MCAR from 6:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Since February of 2018, MCAR’s Self Advocacy Group has worked to provide its members with the tools and resources needed to successfully communicate questions, issues and concerns they may have. At each meeting, we share stories and discuss outlets for the members. And to maintain a safe and welcoming environment, members created group guidelines: (1) One person speaks at a time (2) Raise your hand if you want to share something – all questions are good questions (3) Do not take anything personal and (4) Take care of yourself (members can walk out and take a break when they feel uncomfortable). They also created individual emergency contact lists to take home and keep in an accessible place. Since 2018, our group has continued to grow in numbers and communication skills. The Self Advocacy Group is chaired by Ryan Maurice and Gail Martin and meets at MCAR the last Wednesday of every month.
Self Advocacy Group
Second Wednesday of every month at MCAR from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Our mission at The Arc of Mercer County is to serve individuals with disabilities, their families and their caregivers. And while we show our support through services and programs, YOU can contribute by donating to The Arc of Mercer County Foundation. Your charitable contribution will ensure that we continue to improve the quality of life for people with special needs through adequate services and programming.

Honorary, memorial and other monetary gifts can be made by check or money order, payable to The Arc of Mercer County Foundation, and sent to 850 North Hermitage Road, Hermitage, PA 16148. Please be sure to indicate the name of the person in whose name you are making a gift. In the case of memorial donations, please also include the name and address of any survivor who should be notified of your gift.
When you include The Arc of Mercer County Foundation in your will, please notify us of your intentions. Sharing this information will allow us to acknowledge your generosity now, and provide an example for others thinking about making a similar bequest.
Ways to Donate
donate by mail
send a remembrance of a loved one
honor a special occasion or person
include The Arc in your will
name The Arc as a life insurance beneficiary
become a sponsor of a fundraising event
donate real estate
specify a program for a grant
provide us with in-kind services and products
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